

*English Version available below 

去年九月,港大學生會幹事會在未有諮詢評議會及全體同學下,發動全民公投,向校方兩位高層提出不信任動議。當時不少同學不滿該次公投的安排,在尚未充分了解事件原由下被迫投票,及後在點票期間更發現兩款選票,令選舉有舞弊之嫌。最終,校方派出的選舉監察員(Returning Officer)不承認選舉結果。該次失敗的公投,不單顯示負責選舉事務的同學欠缺誠信及能力,更大大打擊我們對學生會選舉制度的信心。










柯家怡 李嘉誠醫學院三年級
馮蒨渝 教育學院三年級
林斯灝 法律學院三年級
阮傑誠 文學院二年級
吳詩蓓 文學院(文學士及法學士)二年級




[A HKU students' petition: Restore the Election to justice and fairness]

We, as part of the student body of HKU and members of HKUSU, have found in the Annual Election 2013 of the Union many unsettling controversies and unanswered questions, which are greatly bothering us.

Our confidence in the Union's electoral system has been largely undermined since the flawed General Polling back in mid-September of last year. Without proper prior consultation on the Union Council and the student body, the Union Executives initiated the Polling on motions declaring two of the senior staffs of the school "not suitable to hold office". Students were forced to vote on motions without the provision of sufficient knowledge on the issues, which sparked disapproval among the student body. The polling result has not yet been validated by the Returning Officers as two versions of ballot papers were found in the counting, raising doubts over if fraud was found in the polling.

To our utmost disappointment, the Annual Election 2013 of HKUSU is, once again, found amid a mud pond. First, the original Union Election Committee closed the nomination period all of a sudden without wide notification. Then, the Council found itself split in disagreement which prompted the chaotic election arrangement involving two Union Elections Committees setting up each of their own Annual Election preparation work. This resulted in not only controversies over legitimacy of some candidates but also confusion among the student body.

Now, the co-existence of two UEC and the absence of appropriate measures to eliminate the institutional loopholes has made a fair, just and open election extremely improbable. To avoid any fraudulences or deceptions in the election, we hereby solemnly demand:

1. President Chan Koon-hong to retain his neutral stance in the election and stop commenting the Annual Election with personal opinions;

2. The Union Council to make immediate arbitration on the disputes over the two Union Election Committees, or to re-establish a fair and just UEC with members of integrity;

3. The Union Election Committee to adopt effective measures in avoiding any exploitation of loopholes so as to ensure the election free from manipulation;

4. for an open announcement of the arrangement of the Election that shall ease our worries.

We welcome all HKU students and alumni to co-sign in this petition. We expect to achieve a fair and just election with the above concrete appeals and uphold the core values of fairness and justice the Union and Hong Kong has long endorsed.

24 January 2013 

