

促請星島日報遵守專業操守守則 澄清「港大轉莊鬧憲政風波


現 敦請 貴報遵守報業評議會採用之《新聞從業員專業操守守則》(見備註),盡快公開回應以下問題:
1) 作者盧駿的消息來源為何?如何確保新聞材料客觀全面?
2) 若報導真有誤導成份,會否採取措施讓當事人回應?
3) 作者盧駿會否公開澄清並道歉?
本人期望 貴報能嚴正處理以上事件。此事關乎香港大學學生會百年聲譽,以及程序公義問題。


Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to you to contest for the article made on page A16 of Sing Tao Daily today (1/2/2013), “港大轉莊鬧違憲風波”(HKUSU’s election dispute) to be withdrawn.

It was reported in the article “The council has deemed the resolutions of the continuation of the 9th Emergency Council Meeting (the vacation of Mr. Allen Or’s position as the Chairperson of the Union Election Committee (UEC) and the appointment of Ms. Vanessa Tsui as the new Chairperson) as invalid at the council meeting yesterday (1/2/2013)” As a full member of HKUSU, I was present at the 10th Emergency Council Meeting (ECM) with many others. I witnessed the entire meeting and did NOT witness what you reported. Therefore, I suspect that your article is deliberately misleading your readers.
I would like to urge you to obey the “Journalists’ Code of Professional Ethics” and openly reply to the following questions as soon as possible:
1) Where did Lo Jun (the author) get his source? How did he ensure that the “news” he received was the truth?
2) If the report is proven to be misleading and distorted, will there be any measures taken for the people involved to respond to it?
3) Will Lo Jun make a public apology and help clarify the truth?
I sincerely hope for Sing Tao Daily to handle this incident seriously, as this implicates the reputation of Hong Kong University Students' Union and procedural justice. I look forward to receiving your reply.

Best regards

